Head of State Agency reported on work done and answered painful questions

Chairman of the State Agency for Medical Social Expertise and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Anar Bayramov held a press conference on the work carried out in Azerbaijan in the field of disability assessment and rehabilitation services with disabilities. This was reported in the press service of Mintruda.

Stressing that, on behalf of President Ilham Aliyev, large-scale reforms were carried out in the social sphere, Bayramov said that these reforms also cover the scope of disability evaluation.

According to him, the evaluation of the disability is carried out through electronic infrastructure (the “Disability subsystem”), on the basis of information in the records introduced into the electronic system of a medical institution, without contact, a citizen-official (expert). Not knowing who the direction is written and from which medical institution it is sent, medical experts make decisions completely objectively and transparent.

Chairman of the Agency noted that over the past period of 2021, about 50 thousand people have already received the purpose of disability, which is almost twice as much as for the same period last year.

Anar Bayramov said that special attention is paid to the evaluation of the disability of military personnel injured in the Patriotic War. He said that the Commission was operating in this direction, created by the Cabinet of Ministers, together with representatives of other departments. First of all, members of the Commission conduct a visual inspection of military personnel and relevant documentation. The certificates are issued by the military-medical commissions of the Ministry of Defense and Justice, the internal troops and the State Border Service (to determine the connection of injuries or diseases with military service), and directions (form 88) are entered into an electronic system with medical institutions. At the final stage, disability is being evaluated. In the past, 2,200 veterans of the Patriotic War received a disabilities in connection with the protection of the territorial integrity of our country, and this work continues today.

Noting that the relevant social payments through the electronic system are now actively appointed, the chairman of the State Agency said that their volume is constantly increasing – over the past three years it has grown on average.