Head of Syrian Provisional Government noted significance of Turkish flag for his people

The Turkish flag represents to us the same sacred value as for the Turkish people. This was stated by the head of the Syrian Provisional Government Abdurrahman Mustafa on the air of the CNN Türk television channel.

“The damage caused by Turkey is the damage caused to us. We are talking about provocation. You cannot transfer Syrian events to Turkey or Turkish events to Syria. We will be responsible for what happened in Syria,” Mustafa said.

According to him, in Turkey they also see illegal actions that have taken place in the country.

“If we turn individual events into social events, only our enemies will benefit from this,” Mustafa emphasized.

He noted that the Syrians living in Turkey are guests and must comply with the laws of the Turkish Republic.

“We have a unity with the Turkish Republic, numbering hundreds of years,” said the head of the Syrian Provisional Government.

At the same time, Mustafa drew attention to the main goal, which is to make the region safely with Turkey and ensure the return of Syrian refugees to their lands, while such provocations may have bad consequences for the implementation of these initiatives.

If someone does not comply with the law and violates public peace, the Turkish state introduces punishment and shall deport Syria, ”he said.

At the same time, Mustafa indicated that it is wrong to attribute some individual events to everyone, since there are many Syrians who would give their lives for Turkey.