Head Of Turkish Intelligence Service: World Between Armenia And Azerbaijan Will Bring Stability To Region

To ensure stability and development in the Caucasus, it is necessary to achieve a final peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

This was stated by the head of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Ibrahim Kalyn during a speech at the II Baku Security Forum.

Ibrahim Kalyn praised the successful efforts of Azerbaijan to return life to the normal direction in Karabakh after the liberation of the region from the Armenian occupation during the 44-day war in 2020.

The head of the Turkish intelligence service emphasized that a comprehensive peace agreement between Yerevan and Baku is crucial for ensuring long-term stability in the Caucasus and the development of a message along the Azerbaijani-Army-Sturgi-European Route, including the discovery of the Zangezur corridor.

Kalyn affected the situation in Ukraine and in the gas sector. The head of Mi̇t called for the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict through a new security structure based on international law. He also announced the need for an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector, where over 40 thousand civilians have already died.

He emphasized that to establish a strong world in the Middle East, a decision to create two states.

According to him, Ankara retains commitment to both public and confidential efforts in the framework of “intelligence diplomacy” in order to resolve conflicts in Ukraine and in the gas sector.

He indicated that against the background of the more complex nature of modern geopolitical threats of “intelligence diplomacy” plays a significant role in a wide range of issues – from the metabolism of the captivity of the ceasefire.

Kalyn also emphasized the need to combine the efforts of the world community to combat such terrorist organizations as Deash, Al-Qaeda, the so-called “Khorasan Vilayat” (SCAP), “al-Shabab”, “responsible” for the Sachel region “Al-Qaeda’s branch” in Maghrib “Jemat al-Nusra al-Islam and Muslim” (day), RKK and Fetö. “No one can be safe until everyone is safe,” Kalyn emphasized.

In the capital of Azerbaijan, the II Baku Security Forum was held, organized by the State Security Service (SGB) of Azerbaijan. This is stated in the message of the press service of the SSB Ar.

The event on the topic “Modern challenges aimed at the safety of global transport networks” was attended by representatives of special services of about 50 countries of the world.