Heads Of Foreign Ministry Of Russian Federation And Qatar Discussed Situation In Syria And Around It

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the Foreign Minister of Catarus Mohammed Ben Abdelrachman Al Tanya, during a telephone conversation, exchanged views on the development of events in the Middle Eastern region. This is stated in a message published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on January 25.

“During the exchange of views regarding the development of events in the Middle Eastern region, special attention was paid to the situation in Syria and around it,” follows from the message.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that “the heads of foreign policy departments spoke out in support of the preservation of sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of this country,” and also “emphasized the importance of wide international support in order to promote the speedy stabilization of the situation in Syria and its restoration within the framework The comprehensive process of post -conflict settlement in the interests of all Syrians, regardless of their political beliefs and ethno -confessional affiliation. “

the edge of that, the ministers discussed the relevant issues of the further development of traditionally friendly Russian-Katar relations, including the expansion of cooperation in trade, economic, investment and cultural and humanitarian regions, as well as the schedule of the upcoming bilateral contacts, the Foreign Ministry said