Higher State Council of Libya called for cessation of clashes in Tripoli

The High State Council of Libya and the House of Representatives (TM) called on the parties to the conflict in Tripoli to immediately stop the conflict and resolve their disputes peacefully.

The Higher State Council of Libya made a written statement about the clashes between security forces in Tripoli.

condemning the clashes that occurred in Tripoli, which caused panic among civilians and threatened their life and property, the Council categorically rejects the forceful solution of any problems.

“We urge the parties to the conflict to stop hostilities and resolve our disputes peacefully,” the statement said.

The official representative of the ambulance department of the Ministry of Health of Libya Usam Ali, said that 26 families were evacuated from the conflict zones on Monday from the conflict zones.

– Armed clashes in Tripoli

The Libyan authorities said that in the south of the capital and in the areas of Ain-Zara armed clashes were continuing.

Local media reports that the conflict has broken out after the employees of the Crime and terrorism department of the Rada detained the commander of the 444th brigade of Mahmud Hamzu. “

“Rada” and the 444th brigade are considered the two most powerful formations of the militia operating in the west of the country.