Hurricane “John” Fell On Southern Coast Of Mexico

Hurricane “John” fell on a number of southern states of Mexico, causing strong rains and winds.

According to the US National Center for Tracking Hurricanes, a hurricane that fell on the state of Ohaka reached the third of the five possible categories of capacity. The speed of gusts of wind reached 190 kilometers per hour.

Hurricane John provoked “life -threatening” showers and floods, which caused damage to the Pacific coast of Mexico, the report said.

President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obnikov called on the citizens who were in the natural disaster zone to leave their homes and stay in safe shelters. The Obzor wrote about this on the social network x.

Meanwhile, in some educational institutions on the coast of the States of Ohak and Herrero, training was suspended.

The authorities of the state of Oahak reported that due to the John’s hurricane, 3 thousand people were evacuated, as well as 80 shelters.

According to the authorities, a group of 1000 people, including the military.

It is expected that the Hurricane “John” will affect the city of Acapulco and Puerto Escondido in Herrero and Chiapas.

Hurricane Otis, which fell on the Pacific coast of Mexico in 2023, carried away the lives of more than 50 people. The element affected about 900 thousand people, great material damage was caused.