Ilham Aliyev told what a new mosque in Shusha

Today, the foundation of a new mosque was laid in Shushe. As AzerTaj reports, President Ilham Aliyev, the first Lady Mehriban Aliyev, their daughter Leila Aliyev and Arza Aliyev, took part in the event.

“Today we laid the foundation of a new mosque in the city of Shusha. A new mosque will be built in Shusha. I have long made a decision on its construction. After the liberation of the city of Shusha from the occupants, I began to think about the architecture of this mosque. In Shusha at one time it was 17 Mosques, and the hated enemy destroyed everything. Three mosques were in a dilapidated state – the mosques of Yuhara and Ashaga Govhar-Yeah and Saatli. Danar indication and repair.

Mosque Yukhara Govhar-Aga is already repaired. Shushinsk architecture has its own characteristics, and the mosques built at one time in Shusha are erected in a single style, so I thought about what the architecture of the new mosque should be. I thought about it, you can say a few months. Finally came to the conclusion that this mosque, its architecture should be symbolic. Therefore, suggested that the shape of the mosque reflect the figure 8. Because on November 8, we freed the shutter from the occupiers, and on November 8, it is already officially in Azerbaijan by Victory Day. Two minaret mosques must reflect the number 11. In the eleventh month, Shusha and Karabakh were completely freed from occupation. Based on these ideas, architects have begun work, and here is the appearance of the mosque. This is the initial version over which there is still a definite change.

Of course, the proposals associated with the internal design of the mosque are still not fully prepared. But the conceptually architecture of the mosque will reflect on November 8. Figure 8 can be seen both from above and below. The mosque’s place is also not chosen by chance. This is the upper part of the Shushi, and the mosque erected here will dominate the city. So it should be because Shusha is our ancient city, Azerbaijani city, founded by Azerbaijanis. Azerbaijanis lived here always. Just during the occupation period, the Azerbaijani population was forcibly expelled from here.

We returned to Shushu, returned forever! The mosque building should be dominant in the city and placed in its upper part. It is not by chance that the day bookmarks of the foundation is chosen. Tomorrow, the entire Muslim world will celebrate the sacred holiday of Ramazan. Taking this opportunity, I want to congratulate the entire Azerbaijani people with the blessed holiday Ramazan. The ceremony of laying a foundation in the ancient city of Shusha is exactly the day before the holiday wears a large historical and symbolic character. After that, architects will already seriously deal with the whole project of the mosque, and construction work will begin, “said the head of state at the ceremony.