Ilon Mask since beginning of week lost more than 20 billion dollars

CEO of the manufacturer of electric vehicles Tesla Motors Ilona mask fell more than 20 billion dollars from the beginning of the week, counted the Forbes magazine.

According to the publication, the state of the mask for the current week decreased by $ 20.5 billion, to $ 145.5 billion. TESLA shares following the closure of Thursday fell 15% from the beginning of the week. At the same time, the head of Tesla still ranks third in the list of the richest people according to Forbes.

At the end of last week, Mask appeared on the American comedy show Saturday Night Live, in which he spoke in comic form about his business plans, and also touched upon the topic of a recent excitement around cryptocurrency. In particular, Mask called Dogecoin, created as a parody of Bitcoin, “deception”, which led to the collapse of its cost per day by 30%.

And on the night of Thursday, Tesla announced in his Twitter that the company would suspend the sale of its electric vehicles for bitcoins. According to the mask, the company is concerned about the rapid increase in the use of fossil fuel for mining cryptocurrencies, in particular, coal.

Against this background, Bitcoin collapsed by 29% from the historical maximum achieved in April. And the state of the mask itself per day decreased by 2.5% or almost 4 billion dollars followed by the fall in the value of TESLA shares by 3%. The company’s balance sheet contains bitcoins, in general, at the time of purchase, they cost $ 1.5 billion, but some of them were already sold.