Ilyas Kolo in refugee camp makes national musical instruments

Ezid by nationality Ilyas Kol, who escaped from the Sinjar region to the refugee camp in Dahuk, is engaged in the manufacture of musical instruments. Ilyas’s Day takes place in the workshop, which he created in difficult camp conditions.

Thousands of Yezidov 9 years ago, fleeed from Sinjar from the attacks of the Daish terrorist organization. They continue their camp life because they cannot return to their homes due to the presence and aggression in the region of another terrorist organization of the RSC.

68-year-old Yezid Ilyas Kol, who lives in the refugee camp in Dahuk, makes a kind of contribution to the existence of his family, making Bagoglama in an impromptu structure, which he built right next to his tent in the camp.

– “We earn a living, retain the musical culture of our ancestors”

The collar told the Anadolu (AA) agency about how he tries to adapt to camp life after fleeing from Sinjar.

These days, when the temperature reaches 50 degrees, Kolo, in his workshop created on his own hands, works on the next background. He, playing the instrument, tries to forget at least for a moment about the troubles he faced.

His work is the only earnings of the family.

“We were placed in this camp after we escaped from the slavery of Daish. Later we arranged this place. We earn a living and retain the musical culture of our ancestors,” Kolo notes.

– “We produce Kurmanj, Turkish and Syrian instruments”

According to him, the manufacture of a musical instrument takes from 18 to 30 days. The price of the buggle he produced ranges from 30 thousand to 150 thousand dinars (from about 620 to 3 thousand 100 Turkish lires).

Ilyas Kola notes that Turkish Buglama is made of walnut wood. Syrian Bugloma is made of ordinary wood, and Kurmanja made of mulberry wood and walnut.