In Antalya, With Help Of Red Filter, They Filmed Laying Of Eggs With Sea Turtles

The brigades of the Turkish Association of Ecological Research (EKAD) continue to collect scientific data on the ways of migration, the fed and wintering places of Karetta-Carethta (Loggerhead, Golovastay Turtle or Golovaya Sea Turtle).

Work is carried out with the support of the Main Directorate for the Protection of Nature and National Parks of the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry of Turkey.

, as part of the research, monitoring and protection project for sea turtles, a 16-kilometer Kyzylot beach is combed in the Antalya Province Manavgat area. The project is managed by the head of EKAD Ali Fuat Dzhanbolat, coordinates the work of Fatih Palat.

Producer of underwater documentary films and operator Tahsin Jaylan and project coordinator Fatih Polat captured Karetta-Karett in Kyzylotta, using a special camera with a red filter, since the turtles panic at the sight of ordinary light.

It was possible to shoot the creep of turtles on land, laying the eggs in the nests and the return of the Karetta-Cartes to the sea. It is noteworthy that some turtles began to dig out a nest under the shazlogs, but returned to the sea earlier, without laying the eggs.

Tahsin Jaylan informed the Anadol agency that the habitat of sea turtles is subjected to negative anthropogenic influence.

According to him, the turtles hatch on the beaches, and then crawl into the sea. “Only two of the thousands of individuals survive. Adult turtles are returning to the place of hatching for laying eggs. We witnessed the fact that many turtles came and tried to lay eggs under sun loungers. But, as soon as we started digging, surrendered and went back to the sea. The case hatched under those sun loungers.

The biologist Fatikh Polat said that the project began in 2021, the work has been held for the fourth season. If in 2023 the number of nests was 1700, then this year reached 2 thousand, this is a record growth, said the project coordinator.

According to him, an increase in water temperature along the coast against the background of climate change forced the turtles to migrate to the Turkish coast. “This led to an increase in the number of nests on our beaches. In addition to Karetta-Carte, we have identified about 20 green sea turtles,” Palat added.

Sea turtles lay eggs in those places where they hatched themselves, for which they have to swim many kilometers. Females crawl into land, dig a juggle -shaped fossa in the sand or other soil with its hind legs and lay eggs into it. Then the hole is poured and tamped on top with the blows of the plastron.