In the ancient city of Assos, located on the territory of the village of Behramkal in the area of Aivajyk, the Turkish province of Chanakkale, 2200-year-old mosaics and an 1800-year-old monumental tomb were discovered.
About this Anadolu was announced by the teacher of the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the University “March 18” in Chanakkala, the head of the delegation for excavations in the association, Professor Nurerettin Arslan.
According to him, new finds were found on the territory of the ancient city and acropolis (hilly areas, where fortresses and various structures were erected near ancient cities).
“The work on the mosaic structure has been completed, some of which is excavated and planned to be exhibited as part of the” Heritage of the Future “project, initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey. The Mosaic of the Hellenistic period has survived to this day in full integrity,” said the professor.
Mosaic is made of polygonal stones that archaeologists call polygonal, vegetable and geometric motifs were used, Arslan specified.
Similar samples are found in Turkey in the form of small pieces, the archaeologist drew attention.
“There are good samples of such a mosaic in some cities of Macedonia and Greece. According to our estimates, the age of the new mosaic found in the association is 2200 years. For this reason, we can say that this is one of the first mosaics with polygonal tessers (pieces of stone , glass or marble used to enhance the effect of the pattern in mosaics that can be performed in different colors) the Hellenistic period in Anatolia, ”Arslan said.
According to the professor, the other excavation zone is located in the eastern part of Agora.
Archaeologists have excavated in the area of the building, which the researchers who worked here earlier considered a fountain.
“After the excavations, it turned out that the large monumental structure that we talked about was not a fountain, but a tombstone that belonged to one of the noble families of the association, or the 1800-year-old monumental coffin, which we call Heronon,” he added.
Archaeological excavations in the association have been continuously ongoing since 1981.
A city based on the top and slopes of the volcanic hill opposite the Greek Island of Midilli, for centuries was a cradle of various civilizations and an important port.
The ruins of ancient buildings and unsurpassed nature in the association of the association annually attracts many tourists here.