In Belarus found oil

The new oil deposit was opened in Belarus. It was called Guryanovskoye, is located in the central zone of the Pripyatsky deflection in the Rechitsky district, not far from another deposit of oil, which was opened in 2018.

According to preliminary estimates, the geological reserves of the Guryanovskoye deposit can be 600 thousand tons. They locate at a depth of 4500 meters. Deputy Director of the BNNNIPINEFT Institute for Geological Industrial Works Alexander Sundinn explained that the found oil is light, not difficult to recover.

“Considering the results obtained over the past two or three years, drilling of another order of twelve-thirteen search and exploration wells aimed at identifying new deposits,” sputnik breast cutes.


Deputy Head of Geology NGDU “Rechitsaneft” Sergey Shevlenko said that in very careful estimates, a fill line was expected at 20-30 meters of cubic per day, which is not bad for Belarus.