In Bishkek, they discussed interaction of Kyrgyzstan with OSCE

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Jeenbek Kulubaev on Thursday, June 27, met with the current chairman of the OSCE, Minister of Foreign, European Affairs and Trade of Malta, Ian Borch, in the state residence of Ala-Arch.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the actual issues of the interaction of Kyrgyzstan with the OSCE, as well as the current issues on the agenda of the Maltese chairmanship.

Following the meeting, the parties will make statements for the press.

During the visit, Ian Borch met with the president of Kyrgyzstan Sadir Zadarov. Further, meetings with Toraga Jogorku Kenesh Nurlanbek Shakiev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Jeenbek Kulubaev, as well as the director of the border service of the State National Security Committee (GKNB) Kyrgyz Republic Ularbek Marsley.