In City Of Tomsk In Russian Federation, Ninth International Congress EFRE-2024 Began Work

In the city of Tomsk in the Russian Federation, the Ninth International Congress “Streams of Energy and Radiation Effects” (Efre-2024) began work.

About this on Monday, September 16 is reported by the News Service of the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), which is one of the organizers.

A large -scale scientific event has collected more than 600 Russian and foreign scientists.

The official opening of the Congress was held at the Congress Center of the TNC SB RAS “Rubin”.

This year he gathered scientists, researchers, engineers and industrial representatives from eight countries of the world.

“Congress unites four events. And one of them is devoted to an accelerating topics that have arisen precisely in Tomsk, at the Tomsk Polytechnic University, where it continues to actively develop. Many of you are engaged in the so -called compact accelerators and systems for modifying materials using various energy flows Now in the information space, the megasain -installations are more interested in the topics that we have engaged in our foundations and continue to engage in Tomsk, they help to develop them. Vice -Rector for Science and Strategic Projects of TPU Alexey Gogolev.

During the week – to September 21 – participants will have to discuss a wide range of current scientific and technical issues, significant results obtained by scientists in various fields will be presented on the sections.

Among the main directions are impulse energy technologies, ion and electronic bunches, plasma and bundle sources of particles, modification of the properties of materials, the use of impulse energy technologies in chemistry, biology and medicine, and many others. >

“Our Congress, our conference are traditional events. Traditional conferences have formed its own face or, in other words, its own environment and the environment that is formed here, it is very comfortable, it allows us to draw strength and inspiration for new scientific discoveries and And what we need to conduct new studies? , – emphasized the director of the Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS Alexei Markov.

, within the framework of EFRE -2024, four scientific forums are held at once – this is an international symposium on high -precision electronics, an international conference on modifying materials with bunches of charged particles and plasma streams, an international conference on radiation physics and chemistry of condensed media, as well as an international conference on new materials and high technologies.