In East Jerusalem, riots began again

Riots resumed in the area of ​​Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, where several Arab families received an eviction warrant for the decision of the Israeli authorities, the police use special needs to overclock the crowd, the Press Service of the Israel Police reported.

“Police and fighters of the border police (Israel) work at the site of protests with the participation of hundreds of demonstrators in the Sheikh-Jarry district, some of the participants in the unrest are posters with calls for nationalist and racist content. The police operate using various specialists to overclock the crowd”, – the message says.

On the eve in Jerusalem, large-scale excitements broke out, which led to a large number of victims. One of the reasons for the excitement was the decision of the Israeli court on evicting several Arab families from the Quarter Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. After Monday, the Israeli security forces pushed the Palestinians from the territory of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the young Muslims began to throw the Israeli guards of the orders of stones, penards and bottles with an incendiary mixture. Police applied specialty to overclock the crowd.