In Finland in 2022, there was an increase in reports of crimes on basis of hatred

The number of reports on the basis of hatred in Finland in 2022 increased by 21 percent compared to the previous year – up to 1245. At the same time, Muslims basically became the main targets of crimes on the basis of religion or beliefs. Such data are given in the study on the topic: “Crimes on the basis of hatred, which were reported to the police in Finland in 2022”, published by the University College of Police of the country.

According to the study, 74.7 percent of reports of suspicions of incidents on the basis of hatred concerned cases related to ethnic or national origin. Only 27 percent of cases were classified by the police as suspicions of crimes on the basis of hatred.

Incidents associated with the religious origin of the victim, amounted to 9.7 percent of all cases, with sexual orientation – 8.7 and with disabilities – 4.3.

It is noted that most of the alleged crimes on the basis of hatred committed last year were expressed in verbal insults, illegal threats and persecution.

– most often the objects of the attacks were citizens of Russia

According to the study, last year, crimes on the basis of ethnic or national origin were most often committed against persons with Russian citizenship.

“The most common places for committing crimes on an ethnic or national basis were public places, such as streets or city market squares,” the study says.