In Ganja detained an ambulance attacker

A participant in the Patriotic War, who attacked an employee of the ambulance and emergency medical care station, was detained in Ganja, the chief inspector of the Ganjin regional group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Police Eshgin Gasimov, the chief inspector of the, told

He noted that Orkhan Mustafaev, without any reason, entered into a dispute with an employee of the Ganjin City Emergency and Emergency Medical Medical Assistance Station, who arrived at night to call medical care to his grandmother, hit him in the face and caused various injuries.

Later he went to the administrative building of the station, where he allowed himself inappropriate statements, he raised his noise, with the threat of violence against individuals, he pushed the woman working there as a registrar, threatened to kill her with a knife, committed hooligan actions with the use of a knife in as a weapon.

Mustafaev was detained, a criminal case has been instituted against him in the investigative department of the General Police of the city of Ganja under article 221.3 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, the trial continues.