In German Ludwigsburg, mass Iftar was organized

In the German city of Ludwigsburg (land-Württemberg land), the mass ceremony of Iftar (evening meal during the month of Ramazan).

The event was organized by the Association “Islamic Community of Ludwigsburg” (̇slamische Gemeinschaft Ludwigsburg/ Igl).

Despite the cold weather, Iftar visited about 3 thousand people.

The program began by reading the Holy Koran, then special melodies were announced for Ramazan.

In his speech at the event, the head of the Association Abdurrahman Palattimur said that preparations for the mass Iftar were conducted for several months. He expressed gratitude to the program participants, as well as the sponsors who contributed to its organization.

The Ceremony was attended by Turkish Genaconsul in Stuttgart Makbule Kochak Kachak, the mayor of Ludwigsburg Andrea Schwartz, the deputy chairman of the Office for Turks abroad and related communities (YTB) Abdulhadi Turus, representatives of NGOs and local residents