In Kremlin denied plan of occupation of Ukraine: everything goes according to plan

“Special Military Operation” in Ukraine goes in accordance with the tasks and plans in advance. About this Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with CNN television company, reports TASS.

“She goes strictly in accordance with the plans set in advance and tasks,” said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, speaking in English.

answering the appropriate question of the lead, the sands stressed that “no one thought from the very beginning that” special operation in Ukraine “will take a couple of days.” “This is a serious operation with serious goals,” said the spokesman for the Russian leader.

also the sands reported that the main goal of the actions of the Russian military in Mariupol is to “purify the city from nationalist units.” According to him, part of the Ukrainians cooperates with Russian military.

Peskov said that “the occupation of Ukraine is not a goal of a special military operation of the Russian Federation.”