Moldovan authorities decided to limit access to Telegram and Tiktok. They also plan to control messages on social networks, said the representative of the “Building Europe” party Georgy Kavkalyuk.
On Monday, December 19, the Supreme Security Council of the republic held a meeting on cybernetic security. The head of the information and security service, Alexander Mustyats, said that the authorities do not control the Telegram channels through which misinformation supposedly spreads.
According to Kavkalyuk, Chisinau wants to create a special working group. She will study international practice, in particular countries such as the UAE and China, to understand how to ban several types of communication applications in Moldova.
“The first goal is Telegram, it follows Tiktok,” Cavcalyuk emphasized.
He has no doubt that the authorities intend to purchase software for intercepting messages in applications and introducing censorship in the country.