In Netherlands came up with a replacement of cars

Streets of the capital of the Netherlands Amsterdam came up with unload from cars with robot boats. The vessel on the electric motor is managed by computers and do not harm the environment, transfers “” with reference to Associated Press.

The first copy of the four-meter electrolytrium has already been tested in Amsterdam. The robot is equipped with orange propellers and four twisting devices that are powered by the battery. The ship develops speed up to six kilometers per hour and works without recharging from 12 to 24 hours depending on the weight of the cargo on board.

According to developers, the robots boats will become in Amsterdam worthy of electrocarbers’ competitors, as the city is permeated with waterways by 100 kilometers.

over innovative transport, which will help reduce road traffic intensity and the number of exhausts from cars in the capital of the Netherlands, work scientists from the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced City Decisions and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. Autonomous electrical ships are designed for passenger traffic without human intervention in management.

To obtain the final version of the boat-robot, developers will need at least two years. It will be necessary to improve the self-government technology for correct data processing from cameras and scanners.