In New York, 79th Session Of UN Started

In New York, the 79th session of the UN General Assembly started.

The meeting is held in the chairmanship of the Cameroon Filne Yang, the chairman of the 79th General Assembly of the UN. The session began with the performance of the UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterris.

Turkey at the 79th Session of the UN UN is represented by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

It is expected that Erdogan will make the third speech in a row and pay special attention to the situation in the gas sector.

76 chapters of state are taking part

The UN representative said that 76 heads of state, 4 prince, 2 heads of government, 42 deputy prime minister, 9 ministers, 54 deputy minister and the EU delegation.

will take part in the 79th General Assembly of the UN.

The General Assembly, held at the UN headquarters in New York, will last from September 24 to 30 of this year.