In Romania, they created NATO combat group in county of Brasov

In Romania, they said that the NATO combat group, including the military from France and Belgium, plans to stay in the country for 4-5 years, creating the main base in Brasov County. As RIA Novosti reports, Colonel Vincent Menge said this at a press conference.

“We begin to increase power. Most of the battalion is in Konstanta, in Kogelnichan, we will move to the rank, we will do it in June … I think that we will be here for 4-5 years,” Menge said.

According to Meng, the decision to create the main base in the rink was made, since the place is in the center of the country and there you can place a battalion with a composition of about 1000 military personnel.

Now in Romania are the military from France and Belgium. In the summer, representatives of the Netherlands will join them. The combat group owns light armored vehicles and tanks, but expects to get heavy weapons in the future.