In three regions of Kazakhstan, anti -terrorism exercises ended

In Kazakhstan, the complex republican anti-terrorism teaching “Naise-Antiterroor-2024”, which was held in three regions of the country, ended. This was reported by the press service of the National Security Committee (KNB) of Kazakhstan.

“On June 28, T.G. completed the complex republican anti-terrorism teaching” Niza-Antiterroor-2024 “, which was held from May 31 in the Kyzylorda, Karaganda regions and the region of Abay,” the report said.

The teaching committee was attended by the Committee of National Security, the Ministry of the Interior, Defense, Emergencies and local executive bodies.

“, within the framework of the exercises, the skills of counteracting terrorist threats are enshrined, the mechanisms of response to crisis situations and actions during the emergency position have been worked out, the warning and information interaction systems of interested state bodies was carried out,” the report said.

In conditions close to combat, training structures were carried out to prevent sabotage-terrorist acts, as well as minimizing and eliminating their consequences.

Along with this, special -purpose units worked out the skills of detecting and neutralizing explosive devices, identify and neutralize conditioned terrorists, release hostages and assistance to victims.

following the results of the event, additional measures were developed to integrate efforts in the framework of strengthening the country’s anti -terrorism potential.