In Turkey, They Plan To Increase Accumulative Ability Of Hydroelectric Power Plants

In Turkey, it is planned to increase the power of hydroelectric power plants due to the pumping power plants.

In a written statement published by the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Sector of Hydroelectric Plants of Turkey (Hesiad), it is said that various working groups carry out activities to strengthen the role of hydroelectric power plants in the near and medium term, the main renewed energy source in the country.

In this context, it was noted that the new investment and pumping hydroelectric power plants, created by HESİAD to work in this area, activated its activities in order to reveal the potential of Turkey in this area, as well as in cooperation with the Association of the Electricity Industry of Turkey and the Association and the Association Electricity manufacturers created the working group “Pumping hydroelectric power station”.

HESIAD Chairman Elvan Tugsuz Gyuven said that the power of hydroelectric power plants should not be limited only to the natural power of the dams, but should also be increased due to pumping hydroelectric power stations.

According to him, in the future, pumping power plants will play a more important role in the field of energy storage, and referred to international scientific research on this issue. Referring to the study of Professor Dr. Andrew Blakers from the engineering faculty of the Australian National University, Gwyvens noted that if pumping power plants are used along with batteries, then, according to forecasts, they will be able to satisfy more than 90 percent of the global energy storage.

The chairman noted that the pumping power plants that are used in many countries of the world to support renewable energy sources and ensure the energy balance should be widely used in Turkey, this application can also be integrated with systems as hourly drives.

Guven emphasized that the production of environmentally friendly energy and storage of energy play a crucial role in achieving global and national goals to reduce emissions. He argues that the value of hydroelectric power plants in this area will gradually increase.