In Turkish Cappadocia, 30 km racing started

In the village of Goroma in the Turkish province of Nevshekhir, the first time was launched 30 km called “Marathon in the desert of Cappadocia.”

About 300 runners from 42 countries of the world take part in the race. Athletes spent the night in tents in the Kylychlar Valley, where the launch line of the marathon is located.

Preparation for the race began with the first rays of the sun. The start was given at 05.30 local time. The distance of the marathon ran through the valleys of Kylychlar, Gyllushera, Kyzylchukur, Ashk and Guverdinlik, where fairy -tale peribajalars (“Magic Fireplaces”, “Fire Fei”) are bubbled. Athletes made a lot of effort to get to the finish near the village of Chavushin.

In an interview with an anadol correspondent, the organizer of the event Siril Gauthier said that such races have been held for many years.

According to him, Cappadocia has a suitable geographical landscape for many sports.

“We previously organized it (race) in Jordan, Egypt and Morocco, this time in Cappadocia. The runners are very happy because it is a great place. We are very happy to be here. Balls soaring into the sky during the race In Cappadocia, they created incredible images, ”said Gauthier.

The awarding ceremony of the winners of the race will take place in the village of Gorem at 14.30 local time.