In Turkish Yassykhyuyuka, 6-thousand-year-old Molded Skull Was Discovered

During the archaeological excavations held in the Yassyhyuyuk area of ​​the Turkish province of Kazakhmanmarash, a molded skull was found, whose age is estimated at 6 thousand years.

Excavations on the hill are carried out with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey under the leadership of Dr. Elif Bashtyurk from the University of Ahi Everan.

In an interview with Anadol, Bashturk reported that Yasykhyuyuk has always been an important place due to its location.

According to her, the most interesting finds were found in layers related to prehistoric time.

“In a relatively high place of the hill, we found layers related to the prehistoric era, directly under the structures of the late Iron Age period. 9 burials were discovered during the excavations, and this led to the discovery of significant scientific data. One of the most interesting finds is a conscious The formation of the skull is a type of deformation in which the human skull changed due to the wrap with special fabrics. She was richly decorated with beads and bone products, which indicates a special position of this person in society, ”she said.

Necklace of 820 beads

During the excavations, another burial was discovered, dating back to 4000 BC, in which there was a scattered necklace of 820 beads belonging to the baby.

The Bashtyurk noted that under the layers dated 4000 BC, they began to identify structures related to the late Neolithic era (6000 years BC).

A skull buried under the floor of the house was found in this layer, which is associated with the cult of the ancestors, she noted.

The shoe added that traces of cutting tools and signs of skin processing were found on the skull.

“There are various types of such practices, but we do not have enough data for a more detailed analysis,” she emphasized.