In Yemensky El Mamovyt, 24 People Disappeared As Result Of Floods

As a result of a flood in the controlled movement of Ansarullah (Husit), the city of El Mamenit in the north of Yemen missed 24 people.

According to Al-Masira TV channel (belongs to the Husites), the landslide gathering as a result of pouring rains caused the destruction of seven houses and four stores in the village of Mulkhan in the suburbs of El Mamvita.

The UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (VSGV) reported on August 22 that over the past weeks, the negative consequences of floods affected 51 thousand families in Yemen, most of whom are displaced persons.

It is noted that the cities of Marib and Hajj were most affected by the consequences of the elements. Reporting reports in other regions affected by floods are still being finalized, the UN VSL.