Influenza And Covid-19 Increase Risk Of Heart Attack

A new type of coronavirus infection and other acute respiratory diseases increase the risk of a heart attack.

This was in an interview with the correspondent of the Anadolu agency said the specialist of the cardiological clinic of the city hospital of Ankara Sinan Aidogd.

“The risk of a heart attack increases by 6 times during the period of influenza infection, and 2 times during the disease COVİD-19,” he said.

According to Aidoglu, for this reason, people over 65 years of age are recommended to be vaccinated. He added that first of all, this applies to people from the risk group and patients who have diagnosed cardiovascular diseases.

“, as a result of a scientific study, which covered about 600 thousand people, a decrease in the frequency of heart attacks and strokes was recorded,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

The specialist noted that hot weather is also among the factors that increase the risk of heart attack. He explained that this is due to an increase in the intensity of the heart, since the high temperature leads to loss of liquid.

“For those who are at risk, it is recommended not to go out in hot weather, wear” breathing “clothes, and also consume a large amount of liquid during the day,” he said.