Innovations in UNEC: Wood, Minor, Track, “Professor UNEC”

Since the next school year, the UNEC will start some innovations. For this purpose, the relevant rules were adopted at the newly held Scientific Council.

The purpose of the Woods Program is an internal dual diploma program – is the creation of bachelor’s capabilities for 4 years along with the specialty on which they have received, to get additional education and a diploma by the second specialty. Students will take part in this program from the third semester and at the end of study will receive two diplomas in two specialties. Applicants enrolled in UNEC, gaining 700 points, will take part in a free-free program, applicants who scored 600 and higher points will take part in the program with 50% benefits.

In the Minor Students’ program, selecting 4 disciplines on our specialties and 5 group among specialties groups will receive a specialty minor. Students who completed the Minor program, relevant certificates and transcripts will be issued by the university. The obtained certificate will help graduates in achieving the benefits of the labor market.

The Council held a presentation in the areas (Track) of the specialties provided for in the Education Standards. It was noted that the “Directions of the specialty” were developed to create additional opportunities for students. Students, choosing the directions of the specialty, will be able to get an additional certificate. Thus, students along with knowledge of additional specialty, master the abilities, skills and competencies.

The Council also discussed and adopted the question of “Position” Professor UNEC “and its destination rules.”