Instituted second subsidiary of CJSC Azergold

The second subsidiary of a closed joint-stock company (CJSC) Azergold – Limited Companion Company (LLC) Azerblast.

The company specializing in the production of industrial explosives is based in order to meet the demand of the inner wound on civilian explosives in the mining and construction industries and eliminating import dependence.

Note that 51 percent of the general shares of a company based on the public-private partnership model belongs to Azergold, 49 percent – DM Service LLC. DM Service, OOO, founded in 2013, is the official partner of Orica-Nitro, one of the world leaders in the field of explosives and innovative systems.

These explosives are widely used in industry at various explosive work, construction of tunnels, highways, dam, as well as during the operation of mines. Against the background of the growth rate of the mining and construction industry, it is planned to enter the company’s products to international markets while maintaining the local market as the main one. To this end, in the near future, the city of Ganja is planned to build a plant for the production of industrial explosives using advanced innovative technologies. The plant at the factory will be organized on the basis of international standards, in accordance with environmental standards and rules.

The activities of this enterprise promotes the creation of permanent jobs within the framework of the state program of socio-economic development of the regions for 2019-2023, the development of the non-oil sector, as well as the diversification of exports.