Iran Called Ambassador Of Saudi Arabia To Foreign Ministry In Connection With Execution Of Iranian Citizens

Iranian Foreign Ministry protested Saudi Arabia in Tehran Abdulle Bin Saud al-Anazi in connection with the execution of the death sentence to six Iranians accused of drug trafficking.

As the Iranian official IRNA agency reports, after the execution of the six Iranian prisoners in Saudi Arabia, the al-Anazi ambassador was called to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, where he was awarded a note of protest expressing the “decisive objection” of Iran.

According to information, the executed Iranians were previously sentenced to death by the Saudi Arabia courts on charges of drug trafficking.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iri said that for several years it has made efforts to provide consular assistance to convicts and reduce their punishment.

“Despite this, the execution of death sentences without prior notification of the embassy is absolutely unacceptable and violates the norms of international law, including the Vienna Convention on consular relations,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement of the Foreign Ministry.

The Ministry emphasized that during a meeting with the ambassador he was reminded that such actions contradict the general practice of legal cooperation between the two countries.

In addition, it is reported that representatives of the legal and consular department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry will go to Riyadh to further settle the issue.

Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia

In January 2016, after the execution of 47 people in Saudi Arabia, including the Shiite preacher of Nimra An-Nemire, the relations between the countries were torn.

However, with the mediation of Iraq and Oman in 2021, the parties began negotiations. On March 10, 2023, with the assistance of the Chinese authorities in Beijing, an agreement was reached on the restoration of diplomatic relations seven years after their gap.