Iran Condemned New US Sanctions Against Country’s Oil Sector

Iran called the new sanctions imposed by the US administration against a number of people and companies, including the Minister of Oil of Mohsen Paknezhad, the “threat of the International World and Security”.

The Iranian Iranian, the official representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, condemned the new US sanctions directed against the country’s oil sector.

“New sanctions against Iran are evidence that the United States ignore the law, and its negotiations are nothing more than a deception,” he said.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry official called “US Adherence to Sanction Policy and the pressure on independent countries by violation of the rule of law at the international level and threat to the International World and Security”.

Bekai noted that the US actions aimed at violating Iran’s economic and trade relations with other countries are “a clear violation of the basic principles and norms of international law and free trade”.

“Iran imposes responsibility for the consequences and impact of such unilateral and illegal actions to the Government of the United States,” he said.

On the eve of the US Department of Finance, it has announced a decision to impose sanctions against the Minister of Oil Iran Paknezhad and a number of companies and ships engaged in the export of Iranian oil.