Iran Successfully Launched Research Satellite çemran-1 Into Space

Iran successfully launched the research satellite of çemran-1 into space. The device weighing about 60 kg is located in low near -earth orbit (at a distance of 550 km from the surface of the earth).

According to the official Iranian news agency IRNA, the Iranian satellite of the çemran-1 was brought to the orbit by the KAIM-100 solid fuel rocket, owned by the Islamic Revolutionary Guardians.

In November last year, it was reported that the launch vehicle successfully completed the suborbital test flight.

The USA and their Western allies accuse Iran of developing ballistic missiles in violation of the resolution of 2231 UN Security Councils.

Washington and the West claim that Tehran hides a program for developing intercontinental ballistic missiles behind the creation of satellites.

Tiegran states that the missiles are ordinary and their development does not contradict the UN Security Council resolution under the number 2231.

In January, Iran successfully launched Sureyya remote sensing satellite into space, which is located at an orbital position 750 km from the Earth’s surface.