Iran: voting time in presidential election is extended

Voting time in the 14th presidential elections in Iran, which was supposed to end at 18.00, was extended until 20.00.

According to the IRNA official agency, the press secretary of the Center for Election Commissions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mokhsen Islam made a statement about the duration of the vote.

Islam said that the voting time, which began at 08.00 local time and was supposed to end at 18.00, was extended by decision of the Center for Election Commissions until 20.00.

In the event that voters who want to vote will continue to vote in polling stations, the center of the election commission may again extend the deadline in accordance with the necessity.

According to Iranian electoral legislation, the extension of the voting time can last until 24.00 in the morning, but after this time it cannot be extended again.

In Iran, voting for 62 million voters in polling stations created in more than 59 thousand centers continues.

The election is participated in the reformists of the Masud Citekian, the conservatives – the speaker of the parliament Mohammad Baker Kalibaf, the former Secretary General of the Higher National Security Council Said Jalili and the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Mostafa Purmuhammadi.

Conservative candidates of Tehran, Ali Reza Rasan and Amir Hossein Kadizadekhay, “to ensure unity in the conservative wing” removed their candidates a few hours before the elections.

For election in the first round, the candidate must receive 50+1 percent of the vote.

If there is not a single candidate in the first round, who gained 50+1 percent, then two candidates will be released on the second round, who gained the largest number of votes. The winner of the second round, which will take place on July 5, will become the 9th president of the country.

The first data on the results of the elections will be published at midnight, and the final results will be announced on Saturday until noon.

In one of Tehran’s largest electoral centers Irshad Hossey and other election points, an active participation of voters is observed.