Iraqi Turkmen Front Requires Cancellation Of Election Results Of Governor Kirkuk

The Iraqi Turkmen Front appealed to the Supreme Jery of Iraq The Supreme Federal Court demanding to cancel the elections of Governor Kirkuk.

Press Secretary of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Mohammad Saman, in his statement by the Anadolu agency, said the front filed an application to the Supreme Federal Court of Iraq with a demand to cancel the result of the elections of Governor Kirkuk.

According to him, the organization will not be satisfied with this step. Saman added that the Iraqi Turkmen Front will resort to all legal means to cancel the elections. He expressed the hope that Iraqi judicial authorities will solve this problem.

The spokesman said the front expects that the federal court will accept their requirements and cancel the election of Governor Kirkuk.

What happened?

5 members of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PSK), 3 Arab and one Christian member of the Provincial Council of Kirkuk gathered at the hotel in Baghdad on August 10 and voted for the governor and chairman of the Council.

Voting participants supported the member of the PSK Rebvar Tahu to the post of governor and Arab member of Mohammad Hafuz for the post of chairman of the provincial assembly.

The PSK statement claims that Taha was elected the governor.

Turkmens, the Democratic Party of Kurdistan and 3 Arab members of the Assembly Kirkuk boycotted voting and were not present at the meeting.

Provincial Assembly Kirkuk consists of 16 seats.