Irish go to polls to European parliament and local authorities

At 07.00 local time, voters in Ireland came to polling stations to choose members of the European Parliament (EP) and local authorities for 5 years.

The country has begun in the country, during which 949 members of the municipal councils, 1 mayor and 14 members of the Ep.

will be determined.

The mayor of Limerica, which will be elected through popular voting, will be the first elected mayor in the country. Limerica voters will determine the mayor out of 15 candidates.

In the country, 2100 candidates are fighting for 949 places in municipal councils of 31 local governments that will work for 5 years.

In Ireland, a member of the European Union, people will also vote in the elections in the EP. About 400 million voters in 27 countries of the European Union will vote in the EP, where there are 720 seats, and 14 members from Ireland will be included in the bishop.

In total, 73 candidates are fighting for places in the EP in 3 constituencies in Ireland.

The voting process, which began at 07.00 in local authorities and places in the EP in Ireland, will end at 22.00.

In Ireland, the counting of votes will begin tomorrow, first the voices filed in the local elections will be calculated.

Voices for the EP will not be calculated until June 9, when the voting process throughout Europe will end, and the counting of votes throughout Europe will begin on the same day.