Ishkhan Verdyan asked Ilham Aliyev to save Armenia from Kocharyan and Sargsyan

Famous Armenian Activist Ishkhan Verdyan made an appeal to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

In his address of Verdyan, who receives numerous threats from Armenians for calling to the world with Azerbaijan, requests the president to help Armenia to get rid of her former presidents Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sargsyan.

“Dear Mr. President! I bring to your attention that two subjects of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the face of Kocharyan R. and Sargsyan S. at the moment are located in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, – Westyan wrote in his Facebook.” They continue to apply their subversive activities. irreparable harm to Azerbaijan and Armenia, acting by the usual method of banditry and terrorism for them.

Please accept all the necessary measures to extradite the above citizens to Azerbaijan. “

before that, February 26, on the anniversary of the tragedy in Khojaly, Ishkhan Verdyan expressed condolences to Azerbaijan and expressed the hope that the perpetrators would suffer punishment.

“Dear Azerbaijanis! Today, in the anniversary of the monstrous massacre in Khojaly, I, the son of Armenia, heartily condolences to you.” Yes, the Lord of the soul of the dead and give patience and forces to everyone alive, “he won.” I, in turn, I promise Make all of me depends that the cannibals who committed these atrocities against humanity are committed to the court and extradealized to Azerbaijan. I refuse to link their names with Armenian people. These are creatures without a homeland and without shrines that should incur fair punishment for the deed. World All us! “