Israel released 630 per day rockets

Palestinian radicals from the Gaza sector in 24 hours launched 630 missiles in Israel, 200 of them were intercepted by the ISP “Iron Dome” air defense system, 150 fell and roaring themselves on the territory of the Palestinian enclave. This was announced on Tuesday the press service of the Israeli army.

“So far from the Gaza Strip into Israel were fired about 480 rockets, still about 150 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israeli territory, but exploded in the Gaza Strip,” – said in a statement the military. “The air defense system” Iron Dome “intercepted 200 of them,” added to the press service.

Earlier on Tuesday, the official representative of the Israel Defense Army, Jonathan Konurikus, reported on a briefing for foreign journalists, that the military began a call for 3 thousand reservists to strengthen the divisions at the border with the Gaza Strip. He also indicated that at least 20 Palestinian radicals were destroyed as a result of Israeli strikes on military targets in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours. According to Cronikus, on Tuesday, “80 aircraft, including the latest F-35, were involved in the application of simultaneous strikes of 150 launch mines of rockets [Movement] Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which were hidden among civilian structures.” “Israel sends a backup battery of the air defense system” Iron Dome “to the gas sector,” he added.

From 18:00 Monday, mass missile shelling of Israeli cities with radicals from the gas sector is not stopped. Israel’s army has already caused dozens of blows on objects in the Palestinian enclave.

At the moment, the radicals are shelling settlements from the border with the Gaza Strip, the army press service reports. Earlier during the day, the major cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon were repeatedly subjected to shelling, where two Israelites were killed in a residential building in a residential building.