Israel wants to stop Hamas “Once and Forever”

Israel intends to take all the “necessary steps” to ensure the safety of its citizens and “stop the Hamas aggression times and forever.” This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Israel for the UN, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States Goliolon Erdan, speaking at an extraordinary meeting of the UN High-Level Security Council on Palestinian-Israeli settlement. The meeting passes through video calls, transfers TASS.

“Now the situation is the situation in this way – we are going on a massive, no provoked Hamas attack,” he said. – It began not because of some incidents involving Israel, but because of the internal political struggle between the Palestinians. This attack made Israel defend their citizens and strike a car terror Hamas to stop their aggression once and forever. “

The diplomat stressed that Israel will take “all the necessary steps” to protect their citizens.

Israel believes that the UN Security Council must condemn the actions of the controlling Gaza Gaza Gaza Sector and call for the demilitarization of the Palestinian coastal enclave, Erdan said.

“If you decide to avoid the conviction of Hamas, it will lead to the strengthening of radical groups that openly call for the destruction of Israel,” the diplomat noted.

“But today you can choose another way: you can condemn the Hamas movement, as well as to support the heroic efforts of Israel, destroying the terrorist infrastructure, – it added. – You can support a more peaceful future, insisted on the demilitarization of the gas sector.”