Israeli media: Russia allocates troops from Syria, Iran will replace it

Earlier, the Israeli portal Debka reported that Russia has been withdrawing its forces from Syria to transfer to Ukraine. So, the Russian command concentrated its Syrian contingent at several air base in preparation for the transfer of part of the troops to Ukraine. These are Khmeimim airbases, Deir ez-Zor, Kamysh, and T4.

The military sources of the portal say that Russia is transferring the bases where its forces were located, Iranian military from the Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution and the Hizballle.

The famous Israeli journalist Ehud Yaari said that in recent days the Russian army freed a number of bases, which it held for many years, mainly in the center and east of Syria, as well as in the north around Aleppo, in some areas of Damascus, to south of Syria, where it borders with Israel.

The reduction of Russian presence is of great importance. Russia has repeatedly prevented the strengthening of Iranian positions, created militias that were free from the influence of the Xir, prevented the Right Generals from taking control of the entire Syrian army. But Russia has lost interest in monitoring the situation in Syria – and this is confirmed by recent appointments to the supreme command in Damascus. All of them are Rain-old military from the 4th division of Maher Assad, writes the Israeli edition “Details”.

It is noted that the Russian military bases in Syria very quickly occupy units subordinate to the CSIR. This is an alarming news for Israel, which, with all the unconditional advantages of the Israeli Air Force, cannot completely control what is happening in Syria. “Today,“ Hizballa ”already has about 500 accurate missiles. This is much smaller than what Iranians wanted to achieve, but much more than what Israel is ready to endure,” Yaari notes.

In parallel, it is reported that Syrian President Bashar al -Sunday met with the supreme leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Hameni and President Ibrahim Raisi, IRNA reported. Details about the goals and content of negotiations are not given. Apparently, one of the reasons for the visit is to discuss the changed plans of the Russian military, suggests an Israeli edition.