Istanbul Celebrated “National Dombra Day”

A event called “National Dombra Day”, organized by the Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Istanbul, was held in Zeytinburn.

The festival began with the execution of state hymns of Turkey and Kazakhstan.

Consul General of Kazakhstan in Istanbul Nuriddin Amankul in his speech emphasized the importance of transmitting dombra to future generations as a heritage of the Kazakh people.

noting that in Kazakhstan the first Sunday of July is celebrated as the “Dombra Day”, the Genconsul expressed satisfaction with Dombra courses opened in the Istanbul regions Zeytinburn and Bagchilar.

Amankul continued with the following words:

In December 2023, we opened the Greatest Poet and Thinker of the Kazakh people Abay Kunanbayglu in Zeytinburn named after 2023. In this school, the efforts of the regional department of public education, the municipalities of Zeitinbur and Bagchilar are opened by the Dombra course. Today Dombra courses are of great interest. In our country, this event is celebrated as “National Dombra Day”. P>

After the completion of the performances, the training in Dombra courses made a mini-concert. 20 performers on Dombra performed traditional works, demonstrating their skills.

The event was attended by the head of the district Zeytinburn Aema Service, Deputy Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the province of Mumin Yildyztash, Deputy Mayor of the municipality Zeytinburn Suffet Oz, as well as numerous citizens of Kazakhstan and Turkey.