“It was beautiful 20 years old”: Zhirinovsky’s son to leave State Duma and politics

Son Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Igor Lebedev announced its intention to suspend his participation in the political life of the country. He reported this on his Facebook page.

“I decided not to participate in the election campaign for the election of deputies of the State Duma VIII of the convocation, which will be held in September of this year. I understand that some will now begin to raise and eat – they say, it was necessary to tie, and maybe it was not worth it. Start, but someone, on the contrary, will express the words of support. In the election campaign of this year I will not take part, I will not take part. It was beautiful 20 years, but it’s time to go on! ” – Quotes “Kommersant” Lebedev.

According to him, this decision is not spontaneous. It was considered for several months and agreed with the party, noted Lebedev.

Igor Lebedev is the eldest son of the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He became a deputy of the State Duma in 1999 by the federal LDPR list, heading the party fraction in the lower chamber. The next 20 years he constantly worked in the State Duma. Vice-speaker of the State Duma became in 2011.