Italy and Algeria discussed situation in Niger

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tayani discussed by telephone a crisis in Niger with the Foreign Minister of Algeria Ahmed Attaf, the press service of the Italian foreign policy.


The department noted that the main topic of telephone conversation was the situation in Niger, for the settlement of which Algeria makes intermediary efforts.

“Tayani expressed decisive support for the diplomatic decision of the crisis in Niger and the initiatives of Attaf, currently carried out in the region,” the message will say.

Italian Foreign Ministry emphasized that it is necessary to work with all regional partners, taking into account the latest events, in order to achieve results in the short term.

President Niger Mohammed Bazum was detained by the units of the presidential guard on July 26. That same evening, the military announced the seizure of power in the country.

On July 28, General Abdurakhman Tchiani spoke on behalf of the military and declared himself the chairman of the National Council of Salvation Niger.