Japan: For First Time Approved Operation Of Nuclear Power Plant Operating More Than 50 Years

In Japan, they approved the continuation of the operation of the first power unit of the Nuclear power plant of the Takahama NPP, which will turn 50 years old in November 1974. The corresponding decision was made in the Office for the regulation of the nuclear energy of Japan.

During additional checks conducted by the Japanese regulator, it was found that the reactor is able to withstand the neutron pressure and maintain concrete strength. Thus, the Office of Atomic Energy has officially approved the “Appeal of the Kansai Electric Power (Kepco) operator to extend the reactor operation”.

According to the Kyodo news agency, the reactor No. 1 is considered “the first in the country to receive permission to operate for more than 50 years.”

Atomic power station “Takahama” with 4 reactors is located on the coast of the Fukui prefecture on the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan. According to the law, nuclear reactors in Japan can be operated for a maximum of 60 years.