Jayhun Bayramov International Red Cross: you need to put pressure on Armenia

“It is important to continue the appropriate work to obtain information about the missing, to clarify the fate of more than 3800 Azerbaijanis, to put pressure on Armenia in this direction.” This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Jahun Bayramov at a meeting with the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer as part of the Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

During the meeting, an exchange of views on the current situation and the prospects for cooperation between Azerbaijan and the ICKK, which lasted over the years, as well as the situation that arose as a result of provocation of Armenia and possible support of the organization,

noting that the ICDC is one of the main partners of Azerbaijan in the humanitarian sphere, the minister emphasized the importance of continuing the appropriate work to receive information about the missing, clarifying the fate of more than 3800 Azerbaijanis, and the pressure on Armenia in this direction.

The President of the ICRC said that the organization headed by him is always open to cooperation with Azerbaijan in all directions, and also expressed satisfaction with the cooperation carried out over the years. He noted that after recent tension he actively contacted the parties in the region, and expressed gratitude for the support provided by Azerbaijan.

There was also an exchange of views on Ming in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan and the disasters caused by them, as well as about the possible cooperation between Azerbaijan and the ICRC in the elimination of the consequences of a mine problem.