In the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan, cases of the location of seals far from the coastline of the Caspian.
According to, seals are found in shift villages, in deposits and in the steppe. This is mainly sivaria, that is, seals that were born in 2025.
A few days ago, two seals were found in the Mangistau deposits. However, their number has grown up and no one can definitely say how many seals are now crawling along the steppe.
Ecologists note that such a strange behavior of seals can be explained by the fact that animals have lost a landmark due to bad weather. For several days in the Mangistau region there was snow and there was a strong snowstorm.
“The sea was covered with ice, it was covered with snow on top, and the coast is now not to be distinguished from the water. Apparently, therefore, they mistakenly went ashore. At first it was known only a few individuals, but now they report that there are dozens of them in the steppe. And I am already inclined to the version of some spills in the sea. Although it is no longer determined,” says Ecologist Adilbek Kozybakov.
Specialists of the regional fish inspection, in turn, explain the appearance of seals on land by the fact that animals could take away the wind.
“Our inspectors gathered about 20 individuals on oil fields and along the steppe. There are only a few people, and they are unlikely to cope with such a volume of work. We do not even know their exact number. Gradually they are collected and released closer to the sea – in the area of the Kalamkas and Karazhanbas deposits,” said Andrei Rutskiy, and. O. head of the fish inspection of the Mangistau region.
“this is only a few months old. And at this age they are usually next to the mother near the water on ice. Perhaps during the storm they were carried away by the wind. Such cases are not rare. In past years, the seals crawled even far from the sea, in the steppe. Why are they not going towards the sea? Perhaps they are going on the direction of the wind, as usual is done by animals. Our task is to do it. So that they are closer to the sea – to their natural habitat, ”he added.