Kazakhstan Ratified Law On Simplified Customs Corridor Between Countries Of OTG

President of Kazakhstan Kasym -Zhomart Tokaev signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the ratification of an agreement between the governments of the states of the organization of the Turkic states on the creation of a simplified customs corridor”.

About this on Monday, September 23 is reported on the Akorda page in the telegram channel.

Earlier, the deputies of the Senate at the Plenary meeting of the Chamber on September 13, 2024 ratified the agreement between the governments of the member states of the organization of the Turkic states on the creation of a simplified customs corridor.

“Ratification of the Agreement will contribute to the development of trade and economic relations and strengthen mutual economic integration between the countries of the organization of the Turkic states,-cites Prime Minister Olzhas Bekenov Kazinform.

The agreement will accelerate customs control for goods and vehicles transported between territories, which in turn will give impetus to the development of international trade relations.

The main tasks of the agreement are: acceleration of customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure in the customs authorities of the member states; reduction in the number of documents necessary for customs operations and customs procedures; Minimization of the application of forms and methods of customs control based on the analysis of information about goods using the risk management system.

In June, Tokaev signed the Law “On ratification of an agreement on international combined freight transportation between the governments of the states of the organization of the Turkic states”.

The purpose of the agreement was the development of transit and transport potential and trade and economic relations. At the same time, the law simplified the procedures of international transport.