Kremlin: commented on words of Byyden about “Flawing” Russian economy

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov called unprecedented sanctions of West countries and noted that in response, it is necessary to act “hard, thoughtfully and clearly.” This is reported today “Kommersant.”

During the briefing, the Peskov said that Russia “needs to take measures” due to “certain actions of a hostile character”, which “try to dig and undermine the integrity of the Russian economy.

“are taken by measures to help minimize risks, minimize the consequences and insure us from this rocking of the economy … Since these unprofitable measures are unprecedented, it is necessary to act hard, thoughtfully and clearly,” said the representative of the Kremlin, emphasizing that Russian The authorities will analyze what should be response sanctions.

“No one in his leg is going to be called to someone. We will do as we need, as it is advantageous. And with a sober head,” he says.

Commenting on the words of US President Joe Bayidna that due to sanctions, the economy of Russia “walks”, Dmitry Peskov said that the economy is experiencing “serious blows”, but it has a margin of safety. “Of course, the Russian economy is now experiencing serious pressure, serious blows, I would say. There is a margin of safety, there are potential, there are plans, energetic work is carried out. The foot will be done,” the president’s press secretary is convinced.