Kulik-Soroka Overcame Distance Of 8 Thousand In 5 Days

Kulik-Soroka (lat. Haematopus ostralegus) overcame a distance of almost 8 thousand km from the province of Ygdyr to the Red Sea in five days.

The GPS tracker, established by ornithologists of the Araz Scientific and Educational Center in the Tuzluja in Yigdyr, allowed to track the bird movement route.

The tracker on the bird was installed on May 20. And on July 19, the bird flew out of Ygdyr towards the south. During the day, Kulik-Soroka reached the territory of Syria, flying over Lake Van and the Dzer of the Turkish Province of Shyrnak.

Iranak, the bird “took a break” in the area of ​​Lake Tartar, and then Lake El-Khabbania in the Mesopotamian lowland.

After feeding the Kulik-Soroka on July 22 at 19.45, she continued the way south. Having overcome the distance of almost 1697 km, the bird was in the airspace of Saudi Arabia, and the next 53 hours flew to the coast of the Red Sea, where it landed in the Al-Kamma area.

The maximum height that she gained in the way from Yygdyr to the Red Sea was 2,852 meters, and the maximum speed was 74.3 km per hour. For five days, Kulik-Soroka overcame a distance of 7,634 km.

Araz scientific and educational center, Denise Ereylmaz said Anadolu that they have been engaged in ornithological research in the center since 2006.

According to her, the Arara Valley often becomes a home for this species of birds. “Watching birds in this way, we get more detailed information. We can also see what migration routes they use. These studies are important,” she said.

Culson-Soroka is included in the red list of the International Union for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources (MSOP) with the “Vulnerable” code. It is also under the protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey, nesting in the area of ​​the Aras River.